Monday, July 21, 2008

A little over half way....

with the most exciting months to come (that's a nice way of putting it, don't you think?) Yes, you can tell she's a little prego in this picture, but we really had to work on getting that belly out! They always say you're beautiful when your pregnant, and she's no exception!

Model Material!

As gorgeous as ever we quickly snapped a few for Millie Lewis Modeling Agency in Greenville, SC. Wow, are they going to be blown away. Beauty, brains, personality... A. has it all!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sweet 16!

I photographed her last summer, but what a difference a year makes! The smile, the attitude and what about the JUMP!!! The images from this session are out of this world... Mom, I have NO idea how you are EVER going to choose!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Miss Teen South Carolina American Queen

Oh yes... we were shooting her head shots for the upcoming national pageant... and yes, she is this gorgeous in person too! With twists, turns, and even jumps the shots were awesome! Here's two.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Can you believe she wanted to know....

if I got any good ones???? Hello..... she's gorgeous!! Of course we laughed - especially at the studio tactics I use. Flip, shake, flip, shake, flip, shake, now really fast... a radical flip!! Thanks B. and mom for a very fun morning!