Friday, February 27, 2009

Twice the fun with 2 sisters!

I had the opportunity to work with two gorgeous sisters and their mother Terri this week. Carolyne and Jayde were so much fun, so relaxed and knew how to preform in front of a camera. We were shooting head shots, but you know me.... I had to throw in a little excitement! Take a look!

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's not too late for 2009 Seniors!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One more....

of Sophia. Ok... I'm off to get the kids from school, so no more today.

February is Amazing in South Carolina....

Green grass, blue skies and a beautiful little girl who just turned two. Oh the fun her mother is in for over the next year or two. If you've been there then you know what I mean. It's like having a 2 year old going on 16, lol! And ....I get the feeling G (short for Glenda the Gorgeous Grandmother) is loving it.

Monday, February 09, 2009

How in the world....

do you choose just one for your Valentine card??? Both are gorgeous, spunky, fun, sassy, the list goes on and on! So... after several phone calls and some very quick decision making on the part of two moms getting kids ready for school the final choice was made. Oh, don't you hope your one of the Lucky ones to get this card and find out which one Miss Erin choose!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

From Paris, with Love!

What an awesome Valentine - and I have his wonderful mother to thank for the catchy Valentines play on words! Paris is growing up right before my eyes, but he hasn't lost that look. He's so sweet to work with and can look me dead on in an instant!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How do I love thee... let me count the way!

I love this girl... need I say more? She was my Super Model for the day! We twisted, rolled, poked our body parts out, lol, and got down to business! I learned about her boyfriend, her Pizza Inn birthday party, that she's the best looking girl at school and that her dad snores REALLY loudly - I'm laughing at her imitation of him as I type this post! Oh, and there was also her mom's most embarrassing moment, but I'll let Mrs. Pam share that with you, too funny! The shots of her were to die for, and I wondered how she would ever choose a favorite, but if you know Erica, you know she LOVES her Build-A-Bear Bunny so here's her Valentine with her favorite shot!

Miss Photogenic AGAIN!

Congratulations AGAIN to Taylor Roberson who has now won the title of Miss Photogenic FOUR times in a row!!! I had not doubt she would win, because she's knock-out Gorgeous, but it just feels GrEAt know that yours truly took the photograph! Way to go Taylor!!!