Saturday, October 25, 2008

One of my favorite holidays is....

Halloween!!! I love the bright colors, dressing up in something outrageously funny, and of course the CANDY! Yes, I do raid my kids pumpkins - please don't tell them!

Last week I took a quick shot of my Jake and fell in LOVE with the image - notice it's now at the top of this page(I love it, just love it!). I couldn't stop staring at it and thought every mom needs an image of their own little cutie in an adorable costume. Then it hit me, and here's what I decided...

I'm supporting Ninety Six Primary School's Canned Food Drive this coming week by giving away a 5x7 Halloween image of your child with a donation of 5 cans of food! Oh, I can just see you doing the happy dance now, lol!

Thursday, October 30th between 4:00 and 8:00 I'm scheduling free 10 minute appointments. It's for children, it's going to be FUN and it supports a great cause, "Mommies who love pictures", just kidding! Call me, email me, text me - whatever you need to do - and set up a session or get additional details. FYI... word hit the streets 2 days ago and appointments began pouring in. I only have room for about 30 mini sessions and over half of them have been booked!

Just remember you need to show up with 5 cans of food or you can turn them into that FABULOUS first grade teacher, Glenda Vines!

Here are a few of our friends... "Hanging out at the Holubek's"

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