Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Let me first say that I hope everyone has a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas! Our house has been rockin since about 6:30 this morning, which is much later than previous years... thank goodness! The kids are wild with excitement and go from the one thing to the next. I must say that I'm personally loving Mariokart!!! Our home is a diaster and I'm not sure when I'll feel like attacking it.

Prior to the Christmas morning "how fast can I open this" rush, we were busy dealing with Elves. Yes they do bring us cool presents, however they also have their fun! This year they threw all of the old balls off of the tree, covered my car in window paint with sayings such as "Elves Rock", "It's FUN time again", and "Joy and Chance were here", and last but not least toilet papered our house - that's the picture!!!

2008 has been GREAT, and I'm so so so excited about 2009! I have one appointment left open for January, so if you need me call ASAP. For the most part I'll be with the kids, updating my blog and website, AND in Florida with some of the coolest senior photographers in the country learning new tricks and trends! I'm so EXCITED!

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